Bluetooth 5.0 Explained

The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) has now adopted a new Bluetooth 5 format that introduces new improvements over the previous Bluetooth standards.
Bluetooth pairing is generally not that quick of a process. Bluetooth 5.0 is 2x faster than Bluetooth v4.2 so the pairing process is quicker and there is less audio lag/delay.
Bluetooth 5.0 has 4x the range of the previous versions. That means it has a range of 200 meters with a direct line of sight or about 40 meters in doors.
The new standard also offers 8x the data throughput. This improvement allows you output audio to two different Bluetooth speakers at the same time or lets you and your friend enjoy the same content while wearing separate Bluetooth earphones. The new Samsung Galaxy S8 offers a dual Bluetooth audio function.
Bluetooth 5.0 Explained