Michael Keaton Takes Villain Role in RoboCop Remake

Michael Keaton photoMichael Keaton replaces Hugh Laurie in MGM's RoboCop remake, starring Joel Kinnaman, Samuel L. Jackson, Gary Oldman, Abbie Cornish and Jackie Earle Haley.

Batman and Beetlejuice star Michael Keaton has joined the cast of MGM/Columbia Pictures' upcoming remake of Paul Verhoeven's 1987 violent blockbuster, RoboCop. Keaton will play Raymond Sellars CEO of OmniCorp, a defense systems and technology corporation that builds RoboCop and the heavily armed ED-209.

Joel Kinnaman (AMC's The Killing) will take on the iconic title character originated by Peter Weller.

The story centers on officer Alex Murphy (Kinnaman) who gets blown away by ruthless criminals but innovative scientists and doctors are able to piece him back together as an unstoppable crime-fighting cyborg called "Robocop."

RoboCop is due to begin filming next month and is scheduled to be released on August 19, 2013.


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