New Elseworlds Clip and Banner

The CW has released a new banner and clip ahead of their 3 night DC crossover event Elseworlds which begins Sunday, December 9. Watch the clip below and take a look at the banner above!
The clip features LaMonica Garrett (Designated Survivor) as the DC Comics character The Monitor, a.k.a. Mar Novu and actor John Wesley Shipp as 90s Flash.
The crossover event stars Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen/Green Arrow, Melissa Benoist as Kara Danvers/Supergirl, Grant Gustin as Barry Allen/The Flash along with guest stars Ruby Rose as Kate Kane/Batwoman, Tyler Hoechlin as Clark Kent/Superman, Elizabeth Tulloch as Lois Lane, Jeremy Davies as Dr. John Deegan, Bob Frazer as Roger Hayden/Psycho Pirate and Cassandra Jean Amell as Nora Fries, the wife of the classic DC comics villain Mr. Freeze.
This story will also mark Ruby Rose's debut as Kate Kane, a.k.a. Batwoman. While Kate is Bruce Wayne's cousin in the DC Universe, the Batman isn't expected to appear in this story or anywhere else in the Arrowverse any time soon. That said, Batman does exist in this world, and his absence will play a role in the storyline. Possibly explaining why Oliver Queen calling him out by name last season on Arrow.